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Can't find it in our library? 
We can get it through inter-library loan.

Libraries across the state, and beyond, share their material through inter-library loan.  If we do not have an item that a patron needs in our library, we can request the item from another library.  Inter-library loan requests can be made by filling out a request form at the circulation desk, or by emailing Susan.

We do not charge for providing inter-library loans, and in fact, we are required to offer this as a free service.  Libraries are the great democratizer of information, and as such, we cannot provide information only to those who are able or willing to pay for it.  Of course, it does cost us to provide inter-library loans, and we are always grateful for your contributions to help pay for all our services.  

Ways that you can support your library 

Some people choose to donate when they request an inter-library loan, others make a yearly donation that supports all the services we provide.  Still others donate their time, books, and plants for our fundraisers.  We appreciate your support in any form, and always enjoy helping you find the information you need.